Generally speaking you should earn one dollar for each opt- in subscriber. So say for example out of 100 subscriber's one out of ten people purchase ten dollars product which equals a hundred dollars. This depends on your sales letters, related product offers and how you build your relationship with your subscribers. Follow the tips here and build a good permission-based email list.
Usually the visitor will not buy the very first time. They need to see your message at least 7 times to make a decision. Very few people will purchase the first time. Consequently you need to create a sales funnel with lots of prospects.
A very good lead generation page will put a prospect into a funnel. Use good sales copy and you can offer a free report or subscription to a newsletter that offers valuable information. You can take a good look at the lead generation page offered at as this serves as a good example.
Any serious marketer needs an auto responder to capture their visitor's email addresses. Only use double opt-in addresses. This means that they need need to confirm their subscription to the list. You also need to ensure that you conform to the Can Spam act and list removal instructions and your contact details i.e. postal address etc... at the bottom. You need to target your offers and newsletters according to the niche. Use unrelated offers and information and you may get subscriber removals. Basically you need to build a relationship with your list. Offer good advice and only sell and recommend quality products. If you violate your user's trust you lose credibility and it will become difficult to make a sale to them.
You should earn at least one dollar for every subscriber. If not then you need to look at how you build your relationships with your subscribers and what products you promote.
Would you like to know more about how I do it? I have completed my new guide where I reveal the secrets to how I earned my first $100,000 online.
Download it free here: The Internet Marketing Manifesto
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